About us

Baby Sharks Club

BabySharksClub.com appeared from the desire to make the life of children and parents easier and better, with the help of clothes made of smart and eco-friendly fabrics.


The habit of covering the child, in the cold months, with thick clothes, which limit his movements, irritate his sensitive skin and make him sweat excessively, has almost completely disappeared in civilized countries. Our mission is to put an end to this torturous habit for children, here in Romania, by offering you a varied range of last-generation Scandinavian products, manufactured by the most well-known and appreciated eco-friendly brands in the field of Smart Clothing & Ethical Fashion.


From bathing suits with a protection factor against harmful solar radiation, to jackets made of recycled materials, waterproof and windproof, which weigh only a few hundred grams, you can find here the newest, most efficient and most beautiful clothing items and accessories from smart and eco friendly fabrics. Only Fashion collections!


Clothes made from smart and eco-friendly fabrics are traditional clothing items that have been improved with the help of modern technology. Thanks to the special features with which they are endowed, these clothes allow your child to play in torrential rain or snow, without getting wet, they are lighter and more effective than any other clothing products, designed to protect the little ones from the cold . , existing on the market. The models are particularly beautiful and the strong colors and cheerful prints are combined to give your child perfect visibility in the dark months. In addition, thanks to the treatment to which the fabrics are subjected, many of these clothes almost do not require washing, they can only be wiped and worn again.

If you care about the well-being of your child and the well-being of the planet you live on, if you are against the abusive exploitation of the earth, people and animals for the sake of fashion, then you have arrived at the most appropriate place to quickly and conveniently purchase clothing items and accessories designed with the well-being of children in mind and the well-being of the planet we are leaving them as a legacy.