DANISH LABEL SRL, with headquarters in Baia de Arama street no. 1, Building C, Ap. 13, Romania, registered at the Trade Register under no. J40/12257/2019, CUI 41647781, telephone +40 739 88 99 11, e-mail: hello@babysharksclub.com, as operator of personal data ("Operator" or "Company" or "we")

This policy describes the personal information that the Operator collects about you, why we collect it, how we use it and when we share it with third parties. This policy also describes how we process the information you provide us or that we collect about you when you visit the website www.babysharkclub.com. It also mentions the choices you can make about how we use your personal information and completes any other information you have provided in other circumstances.

This policy was drafted taking into account the aspects established by the provisions of the European and national legislation in force, namely the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 679/2016 ("GDPR"), Law 190/2018 on GDPR implementation measures and / or with any other decisions that may be issued by the National Personal Data Protection Supervisory Authority (ANSPDCP) as the supervisory authority regarding the protection of personal data.

The continuous development of technology, changes to our services or the legal situation, as well as other reasons may require adjustments to our data protection policy. Therefore, we reserve the right to modify this data protection statement at any time and ask you to regularly inform yourself about the current status.

This policy refers to the online store www.babysharkclub.com ("website" or "online store").

If you have any questions about the Privacy Policy, please contact us as described in the section entitled "How can you contact us?" From lower.

What are the categories of persons concerned?
For what purposes do we process your personal data?
What legal bases do we use to process your personal data?
What types of data do we collect and their source? Other important information.
What other data do we collect?
How do we use your personal data?
How long do we store your personal data?
Where do we transmit/transfer your personal data?
How do I choose which promotions I receive? Why did I receive a marketing email after making a purchase in the Operator's online store?
What happens if I participate in contests/campaigns organized by the Operator?
How is my information used for behavioral or targeted advertising and what options do I have?
What happens if I use different devices to visit the Operator's online store?
How can you access or modify your personal data from your online account or that you have submitted to us?
How do we protect children's data?
What security measures have we adopted?
What is phishing?
What links to other websites do we have?
How can you contact us?
What rights do you have?
How can you file a complaint with the data protection authority?
Updating this policy. Notifications.


There are different categories of data subjects, depending on the quality they have in their relations with the Company, we process the personal data of the data subjects for various processing purposes, always based on a legal basis, as follows:

the visitors of babysharkclub.com, the anonymous persons, who only access and browse the online store;
babysharkclub.com visitors, clients who can place orders to buy products sold by the Company, without having registered a user account in the online store www.babysharkclub.com or who access various services made available by us: placing/cancellation order, purchase, delivery and return of products; withdrawal from the contract of sale of ordered products and receiving the counter value of the product; registration of various requests by using one of the communication channels provided by the Company (e.g. call center, email, standard return form, standard form for withdrawal from the sales contract for ordered products, Facebook instant messaging, GDPR rights exercise form available on the website ); newsletter subscription;
babysharkclub.com users, clients or potential clients who are members of the online store www.babysharkclub.com, who have registered a user account within it and who use it for various services provided by the Company: order placement/cancellation, purchase , delivery and return of products; withdrawal from the contract of sale of ordered products and receiving the counter value of the product; registration of various requests by using one of the communication channels provided by the Company (e.g. call center, email, standard return form, standard form for withdrawal from the sales contract for ordered products, Facebook instant messaging, GDPR rights exercise form available on the website ); newsletter subscription;
potential partners or business partners of the Company, persons who have the capacity of employee, collaborator, representative of a potential partner/business partner of the Company, of a potential customer/customer, potential supplier/supplier of the Company.


The main purpose for which we process your personal data is to ensure that the contractual agreements between us can be implemented in a proper way, so that the relationship can function without problems and comply with legal requirements.

The company processes your personal data for the following purposes, within the www.babysharkclub.com online store owned by the Operator):

providing access to babysharkclub.com online store services;
operating, protecting, improving and optimizing babysharkclub.com and the user and customer experience, such as conducting analysis, statistics and research;
establishment, administration and modification of the user account within the babysharkclub.com online store; creating a wish list; sending security alerts and account notifications;
concluding sales contracts for our products, by taking over online purchase orders, including validation, shipment confirmation, invoicing or other alerts; returns/exchanges and guarantees; sending messages regarding the purchased products; cancel orders; withdrawals from the contract of sale of products and reimbursement of the value of returned products; resolving complaints of any kind regarding the products purchased through the call-center service;
marketing and advertising; participation in contests, raffles and promotions; signing up to receive newsletters and updates on the latest products and services (newsletter by e-mail, SMS, phone and other digital channels, for example, social media), store openings, events and promotions;
preventing, detecting or investigating fraud, security breaches and activities that are or may be prohibited or illegal, and to defend and exercise our rights under the law;
resolving requests from public authorities or to fulfill legal requirements (e.g. those specific to financial-accounting, fiscal legislation or money laundering prevention);
managing the business relationship between us and a potential client/customer, potential supplier/supplier or other potential business partner/partner, if you are a collaborator, representative or contact person of that client, supplier, business partner.

If we intend to subsequently process your personal data for a purpose other than that for which they were collected, we will provide you, before this further processing, with information regarding the purpose of the processing and any relevant additional information requested by you .


We process personal data only to fulfill our contractual obligations or to defend our legitimate interests. Our legitimate interests are represented by the implementation of our business purpose.

The legal grounds for processing your personal data are the following:

consent (art. 6 para. (1) letter a) of the GDPR) in case of (1) registration to receive newsletters and updates on the latest products and services (newsletter by e-mail, SMS, phone) and other digital channels, for example, social media) and/or other marketing actions for which you have given your consent; (2) conducting market research, statistics; (3) taking pictures and/or video recordings in the case of our marketing and advertising actions (e.g. participation in contests, raffles and promotions; store openings, events and promotions), which can be used by us to promote products and our services through various offline and online media communication channels;
the execution of a contract or the intention to conclude a contract by the data subject (art. 6 paragraph (1) letter b) of the GDPR) for the purposes of establishing, managing and modifying the user account within the babysharkclub.com online store; creating a wish list; sending security alerts and account notifications;
execution of a contract (art. 6 para. (1) letter b) of the GDPR) for the management of the business relationship between the Operator and a potential client/customer, potential supplier/supplier or other potential business partner/partner, in case you are a collaborator, representative or contact person of the respective client, supplier, business partner;
legitimate interests (art. 6 para. (1) letter f) of the GDPR) for the purposes of providing access and use of the services of the babysharkclub.com website through its proper functioning; operating, protecting, improving and optimizing www.babysharkclub.com and the experience of users and customers; marketing and advertising; store openings, events and promotions; preventing, detecting or investigating fraud, security breaches and activities that are or may be prohibited or illegal, as well as to defend and exercise our rights under the law;
compliance with legal obligations (art. 6 para. (1) letter c) of the GDPR) for the purposes of security breaches and activities that are or may be prohibited or illegal; defending and exercising our rights; resolving requests from public authorities or to fulfill legal requirements (e.g. those specific to financial-accounting, fiscal legislation or money laundering prevention).


We collect data to operate efficiently and provide you with the best experiences related to our products. You can opt in regarding the use of the data we collect and process. When you are asked to provide personal data, you can refuse, except for the situation in which the need to present the data is a legal obligation. If you choose not to provide data that is necessary to buy/return a product, there is a possibility that we will not be able to complete the contractual relationship with you.

For each data processing purpose, we need certain personal data from you, as follows:

in the case of visitors to the babysharkclub.com website, anonymous persons who only access and browse the online store; we do not know any data about them, with the exception of the [IP address] and the [cookies] used (for additional details, please consult the Cookies Policy), but we monitor for statistical purposes (e.g. the number of visitors and the sections accessed/navigated/visited within the website); it is possible to collect information during your visit to the website of the online store, through our automatic data collection tools (Cookies): internet protocol address (IP), domain name (URL), access data , the client's access history (pages viewed, links clicked), the HTTP response code, the data of the web page from which the access is made, the quality of bytes used during the visit, the data of the pages viewed or the type and language of the browser used;
the purpose regarding the establishment and administration of the user account within the babysharkclub.com online store; operating your account registration processes and managing authentication on the website; processing wish lists; sending security alerts and account notifications; your personal data and contact data are collected directly from you when you requested the registration of your user account – [surname, surname, email address, telephone number, delivery address(es); Failure to provide this information will make it impossible to create a user account in our online store;
the purpose of concluding sales contracts for our products sold in the babysharkclub.com online store (online sales); your data is collected directly from you when you purchase products, regardless of whether you are a visitor or a registered user, i.e. personal and contact data, data regarding your purchases, tax data, payment details (we only collect IBAN account in the status of product returns sent to the Operator's headquarters), information related to sales and any other data strictly necessary for the delivery of products - [surname, first name, email address, telephone number, delivery address, IBAN account - processed only in the case of product returns products sent to the Operator's headquarters]; Your refusal to provide this information would make it impossible to complete purchases in our online store;
the purpose of marketing and advertising, participation in contests, raffles and promotions; signing up to receive newsletters and updates on the latest products and services (newsletter by e-mail, SMS, phone and other digital channels, for example, social media), participation in store openings, events and promotions; your data is collected directly from you when you decide to participate in contests, raffles and promotions or when you subscribe to the newsletter - [name, surname, email address, phone number, data collected from the cookies modules, data regarding preferences and habits, photographic or video images within the organized events];
the purpose of informing you via the call center service, e-mail and/or WhatsApp and Facebook instant messaging, regarding various information, taking orders and/or resolving complaints of any kind regarding the purchased products (exchanges/returns/guarantees) the data are collected directly when (1) you call the call center service - [any personal data you choose to communicate to us within the complaints or any other personal data necessary to resolve the complaints requested by the call center employees]; (2) send an email - [email address, any personal data you choose to communicate to us], any personal data you choose to communicate to us] or (3) contact us through the WhatsApp and Facebook instant messaging channels [ telephone number, any personal data you choose to communicate to us].

We may combine your personal information with information about your online transactions and other interactions with us. We may also combine personal information with information we receive from other sources, such as marketing partners, public databases, publicly accessible pages on social platforms and other third parties.


Analyzing communications within/through our website www.babysharkclub.com

It is possible to examine, scan or analyze the communications within/through our website www.babysharkclub.com (e.g. the distribution of a page dedicated to an event, regulations regarding contests, raffles and promotions through various communication channels – instant messaging, social media platforms, email, SMS), for fraud prevention, risk assessment, regulatory compliance, investigation, product/service development, research, analysis and customer assistance. For example, as part of our fraud prevention efforts, we scan and analyze messages that mask contact information and references to other websites. In some cases, we may scan, review or analyze messages to troubleshoot, improve and expand product/service offerings. We use automated methods where possible. However, occasionally we may need to manually review some communications, such as fraud and customer support investigations, or to evaluate and improve the functionality of these automated tools. We will not review, scan, or analyze your communications to send third-party marketing messages to you, and we will not sell reviews or analyzes of those communications.

These activities are carried out based on our legitimate interest in ensuring compliance with laws and our Terms and Conditions, preventing, detecting and fraud, security breaches and activities that are or may be prohibited or illegal, promoting safety and improving and ensuring the adequate performance of the services our.

Third party partners and integration

www.babysharkclub.com may contain links to third-party sites or services, such as third-party integration, co-branded services, or third-party branded services (“Third Party Partners”). At the time of interactions with them, it is possible to provide information directly to the third partner or to us or to both parties. These third party partners will have their own rules regarding the collection, use and disclosure of information. We encourage you to review the privacy policies of the other sites you access.

Parts of the website www.babysharkclub.com may use third-party services, such as Google Analytics, YouTube, Facebook, Google, Instagram, including the APIs of payment processors for the payment of products purchased in our online store. The use of these services is subject to their privacy policies, such as the additional Terms and Conditions of Google Analytics, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Google, payment processors).


The www.babysharkclub.com website uses cookies or similar technologies to ensure the best experience for you and to analyze trends, administer the website, track customer use of the website and to collect demographic information about the user base as a whole. Cookies are small text files that are placed on the client's device to track usage and record preferences. Our cookies do not contain information that can identify individuals. We collect certain information automatically through the use of cookies and tracking technologies such as IP (Internet Protocol) address, browser type, Internet Service Provider (ISP), page references/exits, pages viewed on our website ( e.g. HTML pages, graphics), operating system, date/time and/or series of clicks to analyze the trend as a whole and manage our website. Site users can control the use of cookies at the browser level, but if the user decides to disable cookies, this action will limit certain features and functions in our website and services. A useful resource for information about deleting and controlling cookies can be found at www.aboutcookies.org. A detailed description of how we use cookies in relation to online users can be found in the Cookies Policy section.


We may use, store and process personal information to:

(1) provide, understand, improve and develop our website;

(2) to create and maintain a reliable and safer environment (such as compliance with legal obligations and ensuring compliance with the Operator's Policies); and

(3) providing, customizing, measuring and improving our advertising and marketing.

Providing, improving and developing our website www.babysharkclub.com. We may use personal information to provide, improve and develop www.babysharkclub.com to:

operate, protect, improve and optimize babysharkclub.com and the user and customer experience, such as conducting analysis, statistics and research;
will allow the establishment, administration and modification of the user account within the babysharkclub.com online store; creating a wish list; sending account alerts and notifications;
will make the shopping experience easier, more pleasant and more efficient;
will offer its own products and services or those of third-party partners for customers;
will send messages regarding purchased products, updates;
will inform, retrieve and process orders (including validation, sending notifications to you or to other persons you designate, to confirm the status of your order, shipping confirmation, including delivery of products to you or to other persons you designate appointed, their invoicing); returns/exchanges/guarantees; cancel orders; settlement of possible withdrawals from the contract and reimbursement of the value of the purchased products; resolving complaints of any kind regarding products purchased through the call-center/e-mail/instant messaging service WhatsApp and Facebook;
address issues and improve our products, brands, services and technologies, as well as to develop new products and services.

We process this personal information for the purposes mentioned above, taking into account our legitimate interest in improving www.babysharkclub.com and the experience of our members in this regard and where necessary for the proper performance of the contract with you.

Creating and maintaining a reliable and safer environment. We may use personal information to create and maintain a trusted and safer environment, such as:

detecting and preventing fraud, security breaches and activities that are or may be prohibited or illegal, spam, abuse and other harmful activities;
carrying out security investigations and risk assessments;
compliance with legal obligations;
resolving requests from public authorities or to fulfill legal requirements (e.g. those specific to financial-accounting, fiscal legislation or money laundering prevention);
resolving any dispute with any of our clients and enforcing our agreements with third parties;
compliance with our Terms and Conditions and other policies; allowing the use of our technologies online;
protecting the rights, property, safety and security of the Company, employees, customers and others.

We process this personal information for the purposes mentioned above, taking into account our legitimate interest in protecting www.babysharkclub.com to measure the appropriate performance of interactions with you and compliance with applicable laws.

Providing, customizing, measuring and improving advertising and marketing. We may use personal information to provide, personalize, measure and improve our advertising and marketing, such as:

sending promotional messages, marketing, advertising and other information that could be interesting for you based on your preferences and about media advertising through pages and accounts managed by the Operator within social platforms, such as Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, etc.;
customizing, measuring and improving our advertising; survey administration; conducting marketing research;
to help us learn more about your shopping preferences;
organizing contests, raffles and other promotional activities; events managed by us or by third-party partners (eg store openings and promotions);
signing up to receive newsletters and updates on the latest products and services (newsletter by e-mail, SMS, phone and other digital channels, for example, social media); this will not affect the frequency of administrative emails we may send in connection with any product purchased by you. There is no charge for sending promotional emails to you. Please note that you may not be able to benefit from certain promotions if you do not have an online user account;
invitations to local events, promotions and opportunities, online experiences within babysharkclub.com;
making and displaying photographic/video images of participants in contests, raffles and other promotional activities; as well as the display of our clients' reviews both on our website babysharkclub.com and within social networks and various offline and online media communication channels.

We will process your personal information for the purposes listed in this section, considering our legitimate interest to carry out marketing activities to offer you products or services that may be of interest to you.

In the case of payments made with bank cards, your personal data are processed by payment processors (payment data operators). Payment processors and the Operator may use personal information as part of payment services for:

to allow you to access and use the payment services;
to detect and prevent fraud, abuse, security incidents and other harmful activities;
to carry out security investigations and risk assessments;
to carry out checks of databases and other sources of information;
to comply with legal obligations (such as anti-money laundering regulations);
to apply the payment conditions and other payment policies.

Payment processors process and store this personal information taking into account their legitimate interests and/or legal obligations to improve payment services and the user experience regarding it and where necessary for the proper performance of the contract with you and to comply with the laws applicable.

The operator does not store your personal data used to make payments with bank cards, but may have access to these data in case of payment incidents.

The operator will use the personal data collected for the purposes mentioned in this chapter only for the purpose for which they were collected and will store the data only as long as necessary for that purpose. Access to personal data and their processing are carried out by the Company and/or by our partners, authorized by us in this regard, according to the working procedures regarding data protection.


We store your personal data as long as necessary to provide the products and carry out the transactions you have requested or for other essential purposes, such as complying with legal obligations, resolving disputes and implementing our agreements. The personal data collected through the website are mainly processed by electronic or web means, including web analysis services hosted by our servers or by our service providers related to our online services. Because these requirements may vary depending on the different types of data in the context of different products, the actual retention periods may vary significantly.

The criteria used to determine retention periods include:

the period for which your consent is valid, until you express your intention in one of the ways provided in this policy to withdraw it and to stop keeping your data;
if it is about data to which you have access, the data will be stored until you delete it or request this (e.g. deleting the online user account from our website; canceling the loyalty card and deleting related data);
maintaining and improving product performance, maintaining the security of our systems and maintaining appropriate business and financial records;
the situation in which a law stipulates the obligation to retain personal data, to maintain relevant data for an investigation or data that must be kept in case of litigation.

The storage periods of your personal data differ depending on the purpose for which they are used, as follows:

providing access to babysharkclub.com online store services through your online user account – during the existence of your online user account;
concluding sales contracts for our products - for a period of 10 years from the date of sale; with the mention that the personal data that can be found in any supporting documents that are the basis of the records in the financial accounting are kept in our archive for 10 years from the closing date of the financial year in which the supporting documents were drawn up, according to the provisions of the accounting law; within the framework of the defense and exercise of our legal rights and interests, the personal data necessary to achieve this purpose will be kept according to the general terms of prescription;
marketing and advertising - during the existence of your online user account, as well as for a period of 3 years after its closure; for the duration of the validity of the consent given by you for the marketing activities for which it was requested or until the resolution of your objections regarding these processings;
resolving various requests/complaints of any nature regarding the purchased products - during the resolution of various requests/complaints; within the framework of the defense and exercise of our legal rights and interests, the personal data necessary to achieve this purpose will be kept according to the general terms of prescription;
managing the business relationship between us and a potential client/customer, potential supplier/supplier or other potential business partner/partner, if you are a collaborator, representative or contact person of the respective client, supplier, business partner - during the execution of the contract or if there is a legal obligation in this regard.

Your data is stored in the IT systems located on the service providers' servers, as well as in cloud storage environments provided by our cloud service providers, located in the territory of the European Union.


Your personal data may also be processed by other operators, associated operators or authorized persons of the Operator, in full compliance with the legislation on the protection of personal data:

IT service providers and cloud service providers, as well as all the companies in these categories of recipients from whom the Operator will contract services and products and which have taken adequate protection measures, according to the legal provisions, to ensure that they respects its obligations regarding the protection of personal data. If authorized persons subcontract part of the activities involving the processing of personal data, the subcontractors will be subject to the same obligations regarding the implementation of the security, technical and organizational measures provided by the EU General Regulation on data protection, but also internal normative acts approved for the implementation of the EU General Regulation;
other independent operators (e.g. courier services);
when you provide personal information to one of our brands we are likely to share that information with our other brands;
we may share your information with our service providers who manage customer information and perform services on our behalf, such as carrying out promotions, sending messages to customers, conducting surveys, etc. We have not authorized any of these service providers to do other operations with your information;
we can share your information when we collaborate with another company to offer you products, services, contests, promotions, etc.;
the state authorities based on their competences provided by the applicable law;
we may share information about you if it is necessary or appropriate in good faith to comply with laws or regulations or to respond to a valid subpoena, order or government request or to protect our operations, privacy, security, property or the rights of the Operator;
if you choose to pay for our products in the online store, your personal data will be transmitted by you directly by redirection to the websites of the payment processors, information that will not be transferred to us. For complaints/reports related to this information, please contact us or contact the payment processor directly;
in the unlikely event of a sale or merger of the Company, our customers' personal information and other information we have collected as described in this policy may be among the transferred assets.

Your data will not be the subject of a data transfer to third countries or international organizations. If your data will be transferred to other companies/entities from other countries outside the EU/EEA, you will be informed of this.


The operator wants to communicate with you if you also want this and you have expressed or will express your agreement (your explicit consent) in this regard.

However, there is also the possibility that our Company may send you personalized offers, if you have placed an order at least once on our website www.babysharkclub.com, without you having subscribed to the newsletter or if who have a user account created on our website www.babysharkclub.com (if there is a contractual relationship for the use of the website), based on our legitimate interest for marketing and advertising purposes (art. 6 para. 1) letter f) of the GDPR).

If you prefer not to receive promotional information, such as information about special offers, promotions, contests, raffles and sales events, from one or more brands, you can (1) notify us by using the communication channels, such as described in the section entitled "How can you contact us?" below or (2) you can click on the unsubscribe links present in each newsletter sent by us.

To provide you with a better customer experience, we keep records of all online transactions.

As described above, we may use information about your purchases to send you email about other products and services we think may be of interest to you.


We may offer special opportunities to customers in certain locations to benefit from personalized shopping or other services, such as notification when your favorite products will be in the online store, product recommendations, offers and invitations to special events.

In order to provide these personalized services, we may ask you for information about your interests, activities, shopping preferences and about other people you shop for. We may also keep records of this information provided by you, your wish lists, your transaction history and your contact information. We may use your information to contact you by phone or text in accordance with these policies. In certain situations, you can also authorize a representative of the Company to place an order on your behalf, according to the information provided by you.


We use our own cookies to determine which of our ads are displayed on other websites. To opt out of this targeted online advertising that uses our cookies, click here.

We also work with third-party companies that use tracking technologies (including cookies and pixel tags) on our sites to deliver personalized advertising on our behalf and on behalf of other Internet advertisers. These companies may collect information over time about your activity on our sites and other sites, as well as your interaction with our advertising and other communications, and use this information to determine what ads you see on the sites. and third-party applications. These technologies and the information collected about you may also be used to track your activity across multiple devices. For more information about this practice and to understand your options, including how to opt out of receiving these personalized ads, visit http://www.aboutads.info.

Note that, regardless of whether you opt out, these tracking technologies may still collect data and you will still see ads, but they will not be targeted based on the information collected through these tracking technologies.

We use an instant notification tool ("push notifications"), which can be accepted by you and which is valid both for mobile devices - mobile phones and/or tablets ("mobile push"), and for web devices - desktop computer and/or laptop ("web push"). If you have accepted the use of such instant notifications, you will receive notifications only on the device you have accepted.

This instant notification tool does not store personal data (including IP address), but only information about the operating system, country, language of the operating browser and a unique ID that is generated by the instant notification system when you .you agree to receive notifications through this system.

Unsubscribing from these instant notifications can be done (1) on mobile devices from their settings in the notifications section and (2) on web devices from operating systems (e.g. Chrome: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer /3220216?co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop&hl=en etc.)


In order to provide you with a more efficient and convenient shopping experience, it is possible to have access to various contents or to connect to your online user account from several different devices. If you use different devices (such as your home computer, laptop, mobile device and/or smart personal assistance device) to access our websites or our mobile applications and/or to place a transaction or request services from one of our Brands, applications can associate you personally with each of your devices. For example, our websites may allow you to access your favorite items or shopping cart through an email link that is unique to your account. By clicking on the link, you will be automatically logged into your account to continue. shopping experience, where you stayed. If you choose to click on the email link from a new device, we will be able to associate your current device with your account information.

The information we have collected from your various devices may be combined with other information you have provided to us, including details about: information saved in your customer account, transaction history with our Brands, how you use the site our applications and services, the products you view or services and features or technologies you choose to interact with. We may use such information to provide you with more tailored experiences and consistent services and experiences across all of your devices, as explained in this privacy policy. We may also use this information to prevent fraud, such as identifying when your account is accessed from an unknown device or providing personalized offers or advertising based on each device's use and interactions with our brands, services and offers. See the Cookies Policy to learn how you can exercise cookie-based tracking options, to learn more about your online advertising choices.


You can review and modify certain personal information required for your use of our website www.babysharkclub.com (such as your name and contact details) by managing the data you provide. To access your information . on our website, log in to your user account using your email address and password and you will be able to edit your personal information in your account profile.

In your request, please clarify the personal information you wish to change or remove from our databases. For your protection, we may process requests only with respect to the personal information associated with the email address you use to send us your request, and we may need to verify your identity before processing your request. Please note that any request to update your personal information may take up to 10 days for your request by e-mail and up to 6-8 weeks for your request by classic postal services.

Please note that we may need to retain certain information for record purposes and/or complete any transaction you have started before requesting a change or deletion (eg when you make a purchase or enter a promotion , you may not be able to modify or delete the personal information provided until the completion of such purchase or promotion).

If you place an order online, without using your online user account and enter certain personal data (e.g. a phone number, email address, delivery address, etc.) necessary to place an order and deliver the products and perform an auto-save of this information in the internet browser you use, using this auto-save option will pre-fill your data whenever you enter the www.babysharkclub.com website and you will want to place an order.

We note that using the auto-save option in your internet browser for the computer or device used to place an order does not record your personal data in any way in our databases and we cannot respond to any request to exercise the right deletion regarding these personal data.

The personal data auto-completion option can be disabled for the internet browser used. As an example, if the Google Chrome internet browser is used, you can access the following link: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/142893?co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop&hl=en


www.babysharkclub.com is a general public site. We expressly warn visitors and online users that all processing of personal data refers exclusively to persons who have reached the age of 16. The use of our online store by children under the age of 16 is prohibited.

If you are under this age, please do not register or continue with the online purchase and ask an adult (that is, your parents or your legal guardian) to continue the necessary procedures. The responsibility for the use of our online store by children belongs exclusively to the parents.

In exceptional situations where personal data of children under 16 will be processed, even though you have confirmed that you are over 16, we will stop this processing as soon as we learn about such situations.


We guarantee that the processing of your data is carried out under legal conditions, at the same time implementing appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure data integrity and confidentiality according to the GDPR.

We assure you that the processing of your data is carried out by personnel trained in this regard, to the highest standards of confidentiality.

We do our best to offer you a safe and convenient shopping experience. We have a permanent concern regarding the protection of the security and confidentiality of your personal information.

We use firewall technology, password control and other technological and procedural guarantees in maintaining the www.babysharkclub.com website.

Although we have implemented security measures for this website, you should know that 100% security is not possible. Therefore, the provision of your personal data is done at your own risk and, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, we will have no liability as a result of the disclosure of your personal information due to errors, omissions or unauthorized acts of to third parties during or after their transmission to us. We recommend that you (i) periodically update your software for protecting data transmission over networks (for example, an anti-virus software) and ensure that the provider of electronic communications services has adopted appropriate means for the security of data transmission over networks (for example firewalls and anti-spam filters); (ii) to keep confidential and not to disclose to anyone else the username and password for accessing your online user account; and (iii) to change your password from time to time.

In the unlikely event that we consider that the security of your personal information in our possession or control has been or could be compromised, we will inform you of this situation, in accordance with the legislation in force, using any of the methods described therein (providing- us your e-mail address, you express your consent to receive such notification in electronic form, through this e-mail address).

If for any reason you cannot access the secure server or if you are not comfortable enough to shop online on our website, please send us your order by email to the address [*] or call the phone number [*].


"Phishing" is a scam designed to steal your personal information. If you receive an e-mail that appears to be from us, requesting personal information, do not respond. We will never ask for your password, username, credit card information or other personal information via email.


The Operator's website may contain links to other sites, which may have privacy policies that differ from their own. We are not responsible for the content or practices of any linked site. We recommend that you review the privacy policy of any site you access through our website.


for questions regarding the privacy policy, to make choices regarding receiving promotional communications, to update your personal information,

for additional details regarding the rights you enjoy according to the legislation regarding the protection of personal data or for complaints regarding the protection of personal data,

you can contact us by e-mail, phone or post at:

email: hello@babysharksclub.com

phone/WhatsApp: 0739 88 99 11


According to the legislation regarding the protection of personal data, you have the following rights:

the right to information: the right to receive information regarding the personal data processing operations carried out by us;
the right to access data: the right to obtain confirmation that we are processing your personal data or not, and if so, access to data and the provision of information regarding data processing;
the right to rectification: the right to obtain, without undue delay, the rectification of inaccurate personal data concerning you or the completion of personal data that are incomplete;
the right to delete data, without undue delay, in the following situations: (1) personal data are no longer necessary to fulfill the purposes for which they were collected or processed; (2) withdraw the consent granted for data processing based on consent; (3) oppose the processing of personal data; (4) personal data were processed illegally; (5) personal data must be deleted to comply with a legal obligation that the Operator.
the right to restrict processing, in any of the following situations: (1) you dispute the accuracy of the data; (2) the processing of personal data is illegal, and you do not want the deletion of personal data, but request the restriction of their use; (3) The operator no longer needs the personal data, but you request them to establish, exercise or defend a right in court; (4) you oppose the processing. If you have obtained the processing restriction, you will be informed later by us before lifting the processing restriction;
the right to data portability: the right to receive the personal data that concern you and that you have provided to us in a structured format, currently used and that can be read automatically and to transmit this data to another operator, when the technical means allow this. You can exercise this right only when the processing is based on your consent and is carried out by automatic means;
the right to opposition: the right to oppose, for reasons related to your particular situation, the processing carried out by us with our legitimate interest as the legal basis.
the right not to be subject to an automated individual decision, including profiling: (any automated processing that uses personal data to evaluate certain personal aspects of you), that produces legal effects that concern you or that similarly affect you in - a significant measure.
the right to withdraw your consent at any time and without giving any reason.

You can exercise these rights by completing the GDPR Rights Exercise Form available on the www.babysharkclub.com website.

For additional details regarding the processing activities carried out by the Company, as well as regarding the rights you benefit from in this context, please contact us through a request in electronic format, by e-mail to the address: hello@babysharksclub .com or on paper at the Company's headquarters: Strada Baia de Arama, no. 1, Block C, 1st floor, 2nd floor, apartment 13, SEctor 2, Bucharest.

Your request will be analyzed and you will be answered within 30 days from the receipt of the request by the Operator. In case of complex or very numerous requests, this term can be extended by two months.


Equally, you have the right to contact the Personal Data Processing Supervisory Authority (ANSPDCP), with headquarters in B-dul G-ral. Gheorghe Magheru 28-30, Sector 1, postal code 010336, Bucharest, in the form of a written address, at the institution's headquarters or by e-mail at anspdcp@dataprotection.ro. Also, you are recognized the right to go to court for the defense of any rights guaranteed by the applicable legislation in the field of personal data protection, which have been violated.


We reserve the right, at our discretion, to change, modify, add or remove portions of this Privacy Policy at any time, by publishing such revised Privacy Policy on this page of the www.babysharkclub.com website and updating of the "Last revision" date. It is your responsibility to review this Privacy Policy from time to time to take note of any changes we have made. In some cases, we may provide additional notice of material changes to this Privacy Policy by adding a statement to the home page of our website or, for users of our website, by sending a notification email. .

By accepting such revised Privacy Policy by clicking "accept" in a notification email or on an account page statement (available when necessary to comply with applicable laws) or by completing a purchases on this website www.babysharkclub.com, after this privacy policy has been revised or, otherwise, by using or sending information to the website after the publication of the revised privacy policy, you give your consent to such revised Privacy Policy. As a result of the changes, the processing of your data will not be carried out without your explicit consent, if this is required by the legislation in force.