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Children who have food cravings

Children who indulge in food are a problem that most parents face. Dealing with fussy little ones can be frustrating, especially when you can't find effective and safe ways to expand their food preferences.

If mealtimes are a struggle, try these tips to help your kids develop better eating habits. You can use these tips for children of any age. It is never too late for anyone to start having healthier eating habits.

Be an example to your children

Children who indulge in food will be more willing to try new foods if they see that the other people at the table are eating these foods. Children learn about food and food preferences by observing the eating behaviors of others. Try to increase the amount of healthy food you eat. Enjoy vegetables at meals as snacks in front of the children.

Involve the little ones in planning and preparing meals

One of the most important things you can do with little ones who have food cravings, to expand their interest in new dishes, is to involve them in cooking, shopping and choosing the menu. Go grocery shopping with the little ones and let them choose some healthy products they would like to try. Thus, meals will become more fun and they will gain confidence and want to try other new foods.

Selection and presentation of dishes

Some children have food cravings because of the texture or appearance of certain foods. For this reason, whenever you try to introduce something new into your children's diet, make sure it looks appetizing. Vegetables such as peppers, carrots, onions and mushrooms can easily be added to children's favorite recipes. Some of these are pasta sauces, pizza and cream soup.

Another way to make healthy food seem more appealing to children is to present it in a way that is fun and creative. Cut the fresh fruits and vegetables in the shape of a star with the help of cookie cutters. Few children resist this strategy.

Start with small portions

It's normal for parents to want to feed their little ones big portions to make sure they get the calories they need. However, when trying to introduce new foods, smaller portions may be more successful. Offering large portions to children can overwhelm them and cause them to indulge in food cravings. Just because the portion is too big. When you want the little ones to try new foods, start with a small amount. You must serve this before other dishes they like. If he does well with the smaller portion, gradually increase the amount of new foods at subsequent meals until a normal portion size is reached.

Reward your children in the right way

Often, parents tempt children who indulge in food to try a new dish, promising a dessert as a reward. It may not be the best way to increase acceptance of new foods. The use of unhealthy foods, such as ice cream, chips or acidic juices, can cause children to consume an excessive amount of calories and eat when they are not necessarily hungry. Experts suggest that using non-food rewards to encourage acceptance of new foods is not the best. The simple use of verbal praise is a method that gives very good results.